WTO Panel Sides With U.S. in Dispute With Mexico Over Anti-Dumping Duties February 5, 2008 World Trade Organization
GAO Says Customs Needs Better Data on Container Security Initiative February 5, 2008 Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A
U.S. Trade Representative Places Czech Republic on Special Watch List February 5, 2008 U.S. Trade Representative
President Calls for Reform of U.S. Export Licensing and Controls Process February 5, 2008 U.S. State Department and U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Customs Proposes New "10+2" Security-Filing Rule, With More Information Required From Importers, Carriers February 5, 2008 U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Tire Shredding System Manufacturer Uses RedPrairie's Fleet Management February 5, 2008 Encore Tire Recovery and RedPrairie
C.R. England Adopts McLeod's HirePower Solution to Aid in Employee Recruiting February 5, 2008 C.R. England
New Pressures from Globalization Cause Enterprises to Turn to Web 2.0 and Service-Orientation January 30, 2008 From CapGemini
The Priority Gap: Survey Reveals Major Disconnect Between Supply Chain Execs and the C-Suite Supply Chain Planning & Optimization