Generic-Drug Manufacturer's Supply Chain Ills February 7, 2008 Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies Triple-digit growth rates, regulatory issues and the highly competitive nature of the generic drug market posed complexity issues for this India-based pharmaceutical company. UPS Supply Chain Solutions helped Dr. Reddy's sort it all out.Read More
New Momentum, Supply-Chain Risk Specialist, Forms ManagementCouncil to Address Critical Issues February 6, 2008 New Momentum
WTO Panel Sides With U.S. in Dispute With Mexico Over Anti-Dumping Duties February 5, 2008 World Trade Organization
GAO Says Customs Needs Better Data on Container Security Initiative February 5, 2008 Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A
U.S. Trade Representative Places Czech Republic on Special Watch List February 5, 2008 U.S. Trade Representative
The Priority Gap: Survey Reveals Major Disconnect Between Supply Chain Execs and the C-Suite Supply Chain Planning & Optimization