Demand for Class 8 Vehicles Should Be Modest This Year, but Could Be 'Considerable' in 2011 April 7, 2010 FTR Associates
ATA Supports Proposed Texting Ban Regulation for Commercial Drivers April 7, 2010 The American Trucking Associations
Bring It Home! Well, if Not Everything, Then Bring Back at Least Some Parts. April 6, 2010 Industry Week
NHTSA Report Recommends Approaches to Reducing Medium- and Heavy-Duty Truck Emissions April 6, 2010 The American Trucking Associations
TEC Says Market is Right to Buy ERP, but Lists Ways to Avoid 'ERP Disaster' April 6, 2010 Technology Evaluation Centers
Portuguese 3PL Employs RFID to Monitor Temperature-Sensitive Transportation of Pharmaceuticals April 5, 2010 RFID Journal