Supply chains are driving fundamental and transformational changes in today's organizations. More than that, supply chains challenge the very mental models and core processes that guide most of what people do at work. They challenge the prevailing organization paradigm, requiring significantly more focus on customers, horizontal relationships, integrative thinking, and dynamic and continuous adaptation. These values are difficult to consistently reinforce and support in siloed structures and can't be changed by sophisticated technology alone. Thus, all the promise of supply chain transformation hits an inevitable brick wall!
David Ecklund, director of the Global Supply Chain Executive MBA program at the University of Tennessee, shines some light on the difficult issue of managing the "talent supply chain." He specifies the core competencies that are required of today's supply-chain professionals.
China grew at its slowest pace in 31/2 years, the latest sign that the nation long famed for its economic miracle is still struggling to pull out of a steeper-than-expected slide.
The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) have committed to enhanced cooperation in the field of air cargo transportation.