Analyst Insight: 2009 was filled with mergers and acquisitions led by mega mergers. During this time, the definition of "pharmaceutical company" evolved, as the big players began morphing into global health care providers. As the evolution continues, processes for integrating multinational supply chains, new product lines, and rationalizing LSP contracts will challenge even the most capable and visionary supply chain executives.
Analyst Insight: Economic volatility has been the cause for the majority of supply chain disruptions in 2008-2009, forcing companies to put an increased emphasis on supply chain management. In today's multi-enterprise demand-supply networks, process collaboration, closed-loop integration between planning and execution, and enhanced focus on intelligence and performance management become key to success.
Analyst Insight: The recent economic turmoil has pulled into sharp focus the issue of how to manage increasingly volatile supply chains. Through late 2008 and 2009, many companies simply panicked and aggressively cut both production and productive assets. These companies are beginning to pay for those aggressive cuts as demand is now starting to increase -- straining diminished capabilities. For 2010, we offer guidance on how companies can get supply chains back in balance and get sales and operations planning right.
Analyst Insight: In Aberdeen's Supply Chain Executive's Agenda 2009 study, the following top market pressures were reported by the process industry respondents: economic and financial volatility, rising supply chain management costs, escalating customer service demands, and rising business complexity of managing an increasingly global business network. Process industry firms have a number of differences in the way they manage their manufacturing and supply chains and are now increasing their focus on supply chain performance.
Analyst Insight: Analyzing the right metrics is obviously essential for accomplishing the difficult task of maintaining and improving quality at every single step of the supply chain. Still, basic principles must first be applied in order to achieve better performance and accurately measure supply chain behavior.
Analyst Insight: A December 2009 study reveals that as few as 22 percent of companies are ready for the January 26, 2010 mandate date for full Importer Security Filing (ISF) "10+2" compliance. The economic recovery may foretell huge fines for these companies.