Supply Chain Integration Is Key to Successful Mergers August 14, 2008 David Brown, research director, AMR Research
What a Bright Idea: Innovation Stems from Convergence of Design, Supply Chain Excellence August 14, 2008 Jean V. Murphy, Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies The interdependence of design and operational excellence is leading companies to realize that these competencies must come together. For that to happen, barriers between product development and supply chain management have to come down.Read More
Transportation Data Becomes 'Golden Nugget' August 14, 2008 Beth Enslow, senior vice president, Marsh
Unlocking Hidden Value in Global Trade Management August 14, 2008 Beth Enslow, senior vice president, Marsh
Is Your Supply Chain Financially Vulnerable? August 14, 2008 Beth Enslow, senior vice president, Marsh