Manufacturers spend over 23 billion dollars of product revenue on warranty claims in the U.S. alone, and are relentlessly seeking ways to decrease these costs. A new report, IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Warranty Analytics 2012 Vendor Assessment, examines the capabilities and strategies of key vendors of warranty analytics software. The study provides IT buyers and software vendors with a structured review of key market participants: Camstar Systems, Infernotions Technologies, Pegasystems, PTC (4CS), SAP, SAS, Teradata, We Predict, Ltd., and Ubiquiti.
The U.S. Transportation Security Administration and U.S. Customs and Border Protection are moving forward with their joint Air Cargo Advance Screening pilot program, according to John Pistole, TSA administrator.
It turns out that small- and medium-sized brick and mortar companies can use analytical tools just as the largest corporations can-or the hottest Web-based social media start-ups or the biggest intelligence agencies with three-letter names.
Diversity is one of the hottest buzz words in the supply chain world today. But, are supplier diversity programs a fad or a truly integral part of companies' supplier management strategies?
Most large consumer-facing companies realize that they will need China to power their growth in the next decade. But to keep pace, these companies will also need to understand the economic, societal and demographic changes shaping the profiles of consumers and the way they spend. This is no easy task not only because of the fast pace of growth and subsequent changes in the Chinese way of life but also because of the vast economic and demographic differences across the country.
Properly planning for the unplanned - a supply chain disruption of any kind and for whatever reason - means optimizing your distribution center network, having the right modes lined up to transport your goods to market, and ensuring that you choose the best ocean port, says John A. Moseley, general manager, trade development, at the Port of Houston Authority. It also means having a backup port just in case.
Two years ago, the director of sustainability at a $1bn consumer-products company suggested the corporate budget committee add a new criterion in deciding which capital projects to approve: the project's environmental impact. The director devised a metric for measuring the impact in categories such as water usage, waste reduction, packaging and carbon emissions. The idea saved $20m the first year.
One night last January, Mark Shields was home in his kitchen making hummus, listening to This American Life, WBEZ's popular syndicated radio show. He was streaming the podcast on his Mac laptop via Apple's AirPort technology, which turned out to be an appropriate platform for listening to the episode, given that the subject was Apple itself.
Improved U.S. competitiveness and rising costs in China will put the United States in a strong position by around 2015 to eventually add 2 million to 3 million jobs and an estimated $100bn in annual output in a range of industries, according to a new report by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG).