Indonesia is at the early stages of a period of strong economic growth, creating a wave of new middle-class and affluent consumers (MACs) that will grow in size and purchasing power through 2020, according to a report by The Boston Consulting Group.
This year is expected to be one of growth, with many product development companies looking to make new technology investments and expand their supplier base, according to a survey of 8,840 sourcing professionals by, an online manufacturing marketplace.
A study that polled procurement managers and directors from a range of firms across the UK found that while mid-market firms are often less likely to have robust processes and systems in place to counter bribery risk, companies at both ends of the spectrum appeared complacent when it came to vetting their suppliers for compliance with the Bribery Act.
According to a survey of 600 manufacturing and retail executives conducted by Deloitte, 71 percent of the executives surveyed view supply chain risk as "an important factor in their companies' strategic decision making, including 20 percent who view it as extremely important." Yet, 42 percent of the executives from large companies said their supply chain risk management programs are only somewhat or not effective.
India's Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) is moving to set up a direct sea and air link between India and Latin America, as Indian corporations line up significant investments in the oil, mining, IT and pharmaceutical sectors there.
Melting polar ice could create a new shipping lane through the North Pole by 2050, according to research by the University Of California at Los Angeles. In the future, melting sea ice could mean that ordinary shipping vessels will be able to navigate parts of the Arctic Ocean which were previously inaccessible, without the use of icebreakers to clear their route.
How do you go from good to great when pursuing a career in supply-chain management? James Masotti, continuous replenishment analyst with Campbell Soup, has some answers.
Analyst Insight: Based on a survey of 160 supply chain leaders in a recent webinar conducted by Steelwedge, we found that companies captured a whopping 70 percent more data (product, supply, demand and finance) to manage their organizations in 2012. Yet, 77 percent of these businesses are not actually leveraging this data in their S&OP processes, thereby leaving "blind spots" in their decision making processes around critical supply/demand trade-offs.
- Nari Viswanathan, Vice President of Product Management, Steelwedge
Analyst Insight: Neither a lack of cogent definitions re: what these services and technologies are nor confusion in pricing models is slowing down interest in cloud, SaaS and on-demand solutions. Our research shows a consistent increase in buyer adoption of enterprise and consumer applications - cloud-accessible - from desk top, smartphones and tablets of all size companies in all industries.
- Ann Grackin, CEO, ChainLink Research