Analyst Insight: Keeping talent has risen to be a concern for managers, directors and CEOs across the country. It's even caught the attention of academics. What policies employed at the DC level gets the most out of the money spent on training, and gets the best results? Our 2014 study starts to answer that question. – Karl B. Manrodt, Professor of Logistics, and Donnie Williams, Assistant Professor of Logistics, Georgia College and State University
Analyst Insight: The supply chain discipline has evolved quickly over the past two decades. What once was a straightforward technical profession has now become a complex business leadership role. Recent data shows that finding the right people keeps getting harder. Supply chain leaders need tools to develop and retain talent that can not only plan, source, make and deliver, but also drive change, react to markets and innovate. – Kevin O'Marah, Chief Content Officer, SCM World
U.S. Carnivores U.S. meat exporters caught in the middle of the West Coast port labor standoff diverted millions of pounds of chilled pork and beef into cold storage facilities over the last few weeks, creating an oversupply of meat, analysts said.
Analyst Insight: Business process management has changed immensely within the last few years. Last year, many new vendors emerged in all industries and verticals due to SaaS business models. The BPM market is rapidly evolving to include a combination of products services and software bundled into one deliverable in a turnkey solution. As the race to zero continues, vendors will have to discover what customers are willing to pay for. – Dylan Persaud, Managing Director, Eval-Source
The Russian light-vehicle market suffered a highly accelerated decline in sales in January 2015 due to the ongoing macroeconomic stress the market is facing, recording a 24.4 percent year-on-year decline to 115,390 units, according to the latest data released by the Association of European Businesses.
Companies are finally beginning to take advantage of labor-management systems in their distribution centers. Lou Cerny, vice president of Sedlak Consultants, describes the rate of adoption, and advises on why, when and how to implement LMS in your own operation.