Sedex Global, a specialist in aiding companies in the development of responsible and ethical business practices within their supply chains, has partnered with the World Bank Institute to develop the Open Supply Chain Platform.
Rob Dugas, vice president of supply chain at Chick-fil-A, outlines the challenges around identifying and developing tomorrow's supply chain leaders and discusses the chain's strategic approach to this issue.
Hanna Ubl is a generational expert at BridgeWorks, a company that studies and consults on generational differences and the way those differences play out in the workplace. Ubl discusses Boomers, Xers and Millennials and says the Edge Generation, still in high school, will bring even more changes.
Leadership comes down to relationships and having a connection with employees, says Kurt Kravchuk, director of distribution at Cabela's. Spending time each day on the floor, focusing on collaboration and maintaining a positive approach are three of his suggestions.