Exostar Begins Monthly Surveys of Aerospace, Defense Community's Business Needs and Challenges April 15, 2010 Exostar
Five Rules to Transform Logistics Outsourcing April 14, 2010 Kate Vitasek, Faculty, Center for Executive Education, University of Tennessee
Chevron Uses IT to Drive Business Value April 14, 2010 Kevyn Renner, Senior Technology Consultant, Chevron Corporation
Is Your Company Cyber Savvy? April 14, 2010 Bob Mick, Vice President – Emerging Technologies, ARC Advisory Group
Rethinking IT and Automation Solutions April 14, 2010 Andy Chatha, President and CEO, ARC Advisory Group
Anti-Counterfeiting in the Pharma Supply Chain April 14, 2010 Janice Abel, Principal Consultant, ARC Advisory Group
Reverse Logistics at the Forefront for Precision Camera April 13, 2010 Larry Maye, Chief Operating Officer, Precision Camera Service Solutions
Pioneer Electronics Embraces Social Networking April 13, 2010 Jeremy Schoales, Sr. Mktg. Specialist, Mobile Enter. Group, Pioneer Electronics