The EPA announced a settlement with Dole Food over the food company’s failure to close two large-capacity cesspools at its Puuiki Beach Park property on Oahu.
What does it take to survive and thrive in an ever-volatile business environment? Headlines over the past year say blockchain, 3-D printing and artificial intelligence — to name a few. But these transformative tools mean nothing without strategy.
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) and SupplyChainBrain welcome your entries for the 14th Annual Supply Chain Innovation Award (SCIA) competition.
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) and SupplyChainBrain welcome your entries for the 14th Annual Supply Chain Innovation Award (SCIA) competition.
People are our greatest asset. We've heard this – and similar sayings – for years. Now, however, leading firms are actually putting this into practice, and are reaping rewards for doing so. Going into 2018, people are still a critical link in the supply chain. -Donnie Williams, Asst. Professor of Logistics & Supply Chain Management, and Karl B. Manrodt, Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, both at Georgia College & State University
High above the red dirt and evergreen trees of Kemper County, Mississippi, gleams a 15-story monolith of pipes surrounded by a town-sized array of steel towers and white buildings. The hi-tech industrial site juts out of the surrounding forest, its sharp silhouette out of place amid the gray crumbling roads, catfish stands and trailer homes of nearby De Kalb, population: 1,164.