Mobile Apps Push Boundaries of Product Lifecycle Management September 1, 2011 James Horne, Senior Director of Marketing, Centric Software
Relationships 101: Back to the Basics for Supplier Management August 31, 2011 Michael Koploy, Software Advice
How Lenovo Balanced Product Line Diversity with Multiple Supply Chains August 29, 2011 McKinsey Quarterly
How Technology Can Ease Supply Chain Management and Mitigate Risk August 29, 2011 Maz Ghorban, Vice President, Corporate Development, MIR3
If Anything, Social Media Have Raised Consumers' Expectations of Customer Service August 25, 2011 CRM Buyer
RFID Technology Helps Two German Supermarkets Monitor Access to Storerooms, Freezers August 25, 2011 RFID Journal
Devastating Inventory Shortages Require Companies to Extend Their Lean Thinking August 24, 2011 Mike Burkett, Research Vice President, Gartner