Countless barriers can stand in the way of a successful new-product launch. Brands and manufacturers must establish strategic procedures for product development — before developing the product itself.
Large companies often use various solutions to manage hundreds of thousands of contracts and documents — covering years of work across the supply chain.
The more closely suppliers are able to work with distributors, the easier it will be for both parties to eliminate costly inefficiencies, adjust to changing market conditions, and secure growth.
If you’re a business that’s outsourcing services, don’t think for one moment that you’re shedding responsibility for the health and safety of a vendor’s staff when they show up on your premises.
The international coronavirus supply chain has become the latest target of cyber-espionage. The threat extends beyond pharmaceutical manufacturers to all of their suppliers and vendors, which provide potential points of entry for cyber thieves. In this conversation with SupplyChainBrain Editor-in-Chief Bob Bowman, Mike Hamilton, Chief Information Security Officer with CI Security, discusses what needs to be done to protect the entire vaccine supply chain from hackers.
While physical paperwork has long been the go-to form of communication within the supply-chain industry, electronic bills of lading are expected to become the standard moving forward.