The U.S. Senate has overwhelmingly passed a nonbinding proposal to allow states to collect sales tax on internet sellers that have no presence within their borders.
Once one accepts the importance of manufacturing, the next question is how is it doing? Is U.S. manufacturing healthy and not in need of a national manufacturing policy or is it in trouble and in need of smarter policies?
Building America's Future called for dramatically ramping up long-term investment in the nation's infrastructure after the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its 2013 Infrastructure Report Card, which graded America's infrastructure a D+ overall.
The number of retail thieves apprehended annually continues to be about six million, research indicates, but the picture is much worse than that figure suggests. More than 78 percent of shrink is due to shoplifting by customers or retail employees. New products in fast-paced categories such as electronics, perfumes and sportswear being brought to market every year at premium prices are among the most likely to be stolen. Fresh meat remains a high-theft category for supermarkets and hypermarkets.
To cope with the larger vessels that will transit through the Panama Canal when its expansion is complete in 2015, Central American countries must dramatically improve their intermodal road and port network infrastructure, the quality of their trucking services and strengthen their institutional coordination, two studies issued today by the Inter-American Development Bank show.
The federal government told an appeals court that industry objections to its latest changes to the hours-of-service rules for truck drivers boil down to "simple scientific disputes" and that the government should be free to use its discretion in such cases.
As businesses and governments implement cost-cutting and other efficiencies to help them recover from the deep recession, now is the time to consider collaborative purchasing as both a short- and long-term strategy to cut costs.
Analyst Insight: In recent years, due to the changing and challenging global economy, there has been much talk about the need to balance natural competitive pressures with collaborative engagement across the supply base. The trick, of course, is how to do both things - competition and collaboration - effectively. I believe it starts with trust. - Kate Vitasek, faculty, University of Tennessee's Center for Executive Education, and Founder, Supply Chain Visions
Undoubtedly businesses need to guard their end products against counterfeiting to protect their profits, their brands, their customers, and the financial health of their businesses. But fighting counterfeits cannot be fully effective without guarding supply sources - the materials and components used to manufacture the end products.
According to figures released by the U.S. Department of Commerce, retail sales exceeded expectations despite headwinds caused by extreme weather in the Northeast and a continued adjustment to higher payroll taxes.