When the MSC Napoli ran aground off the UK's south coast in January 2007, 137 out of the 600 containers it was carrying on deck were at least 10 percent heavier or lighter than was declared on the ship's manifest. In another high-profile accident, the capsizing of the Xpress Container Line vessel Deneb during unloading at Algeciras in June 2011, an even higher percentage of boxes - 64 out of 150 - were not laden as recorded.
When Jia Jingchuan, a 27-year-old electronics worker in Suzhou, China, sought compensation for the chemical poisoning he suffered at work, he appealed neither to his employer nor to his government. Instead, he addressed the global brand that purchased the product he was working on. "We hope Apple will heed to its corporate social responsibility."
The buzz surrounding big data shows no signs of slowing. But as federal government and industry take steps to harness big data one group is lagging behind - state and local government. According to a new report, "The State and Local Big Data Gap," state and local agencies need to double their storage and computational power, and triple their personnel to successfully leverage big data.
Two major safety campaigns have just been launched, one from an international body representing freight forwarders and the other from a major container shipping line.
Nelson Cabrera, director of business development at Lilly and Associates, provides first-hand information on the operation of Panama's Colon Free Zone.
An automated yard management system gets drivers in and out of facilities quickly by using electronic gate readers and providing exact trailer locations. Aleks Gollu, CTO and founder of PINC Solutions, discusses these and other benefits.
The many operational differences between domestic and international transportation has historically meant separate and distinct management of these two sectors. Research shows that today's shippers, however, believe there are efficiencies to be gained by managing both domains on a single platform.
As tainted-food scandals go, it wasn't so bad. The discovery early this year of unlabeled horse meat in European food products wasn't for the most part a safety issue. It was a violation of cultural norms, to be sure, as well as a truth-in-packaging problem. Most of all, it was a supply-chain failure.
U.S. multinational companies that routinely allocate their profits to other countries to benefit from low-tax jurisdictions may soon need to change their tactics.