GTM Drives Compliance and Efficiency in Cross-Border Trade May 4, 2010 Robert J. Bowman, SupplyChainBrain At a time of increased regulation and complexity in global supply chains, companies can't do without a sophisticated global trade management application.Read More
Product Safety Standards in Retail April 30, 2010 Stephanie Lester, Vice President for International Trade, RILA
Inland Ports: An Alternative to Congestion April 30, 2010 Jim Hutcheson, Asst. Dir., Intl. Intermodal Center, Port of Huntsville, Ala.
Homeland Security's Cargo Regulations April 30, 2010 Ken Concepcion, Program Mgr., Science & Security, US Dept. of Homeland Security
Descartes Debuts Excise Movement and Control in EU; Acquires Imanet April 29, 2010 Descartes Systems Group
Consumer Product Safety Commission, Customs and Border Protection Work Together to Assess Import Risk April 28, 2010 American Shipper
Survey Looks to Establish Best Practices in Anti-Counterfeiting and Brand Protection April 27, 2010 ARC Advisory Group