Eighty percent of manufacturers responding to a recent survey rate reducing overall supply chain costs as the number one supply chain priority in the coming year, according to IDC Manufacturing Insights. Nearly 55 percent suggest supply chain agility is second and 52 percent suggest improving product quality and safety is the third-most important priority.
Just when you thought cloud computing couldn't get any more complicated and fraught with hidden gotchas, the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue has jumped in to sprinkle taxation magic on your cloud business cases. What the Keystone State did - and other states are likely to follow - doesn't make cloud any less profitable, but the specifics of the cloud deployment could now impact tax costs.
Fair Factories Clearinghouse, a non-profit organization that helps major brands and manufacturers collaborate to ensure cost-effective, well-informed business transactions and improved workplaces worldwide, has enhanced its software and collaboration platform that support a new approach for manufacturing audits.
Brian W. Hagen, managing director of the Decision Empowerment Institute, explains why supply-chain risk management has failed as a decision-making tool for many companies.
The Retail Industry Leaders Association welcomed Mexico as a negotiating partner in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP is a prospective regional free trade agreement among Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States.
The results of a recent survey conducted by the ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) in conjunction with an international trade association have served to underline the challenges associated with thefts of recyclable metals from containers.
The EPA plans to propose tougher air quality pollution standards for fine particulate matter, or soot, a microscopic particle released from power plants, factories and vehicles.