Is it wise to take advantage of early-payment discounts offered by suppliers? Or should you make other use of your cash until payment is due? There are lots of things to consider.
The Affordable Care Act is having a huge impact on the healthcare industry. And supply-chain is at the leading edge of the transformation. Vance Moore, vice president of operations with Mercy, talks about how the discipline is helping healthcare providers to adapt.
Getting bad publicity, losing customers and being subject to criminal consequences are just a few of the risks an organization can face when its procurement professionals are unaware of constantly changing social responsibility concerns.
As Home Depot scrambles to determine the scope and scale of a potentially massive breach of its customers' data, the retailer's troubles underscore the challenges facing retailers and card issuers attempting to gird themselves against cybercriminals.
Thirty-seven percent of more than 5,000 respondents reported economic crime in their organizations, with the categories of bribery and corruption and cybercrime experiencing notable growth, according to PwC in its latest Global Economic Crime Survey.
So-called "adversarial procurement" practices among large retailers are a threat to the "integrity of the food industry", according to a major report into the horse meat scandal in Europe.
With companies like and Google advancing plans to use small unmanned aerial vehicles for commercial purposes, pressure is mounting on the Federal Aviation Administration to quickly release rules governing private drone use.
Tom Sanderson, chief executive officer of Transplace, offers a picture of the current transportation landscape – one that's marked by tightening capacity and fewer options for shippers. He offers some advice on how to cope with the situation.
Across Asia and the Middle East, rising incomes and accelerating investment in infrastructure have attracted multinationals eager to expand their global presence. But success in these high-growth emerging markets (HGEMs) often proves elusive.