U.S. Apparel Group Want Regulatory Reform that Benefits Supply Chains in Asia Pacific June 30, 2011 American Shipper
U.S., EU Agree on Mutual Recognition of Their Supply Chain Security Programs June 29, 2011 JOC Sailings
Targus Moves to Combine Trade-Management Processes Into One IT Application June 23, 2011 Robert J. Bowman, SupplyChainBrain
DHL Beefs Up U.S.-Mideast-Asia Service; Gets TAPA-Certified in North America June 22, 2011 DHL Express
Overhauling Munitions List Could Ease Export of Items Not Strictly Military in Nature June 14, 2011 American Shipper
The Priority Gap: Survey Reveals Major Disconnect Between Supply Chain Execs and the C-Suite Supply Chain Planning & Optimization