Sitting still flies in the face of everything Kathleen Hale's company stands for. Started less than two years ago in Washington, Rebel Desk sells treadmills and desks for professionals who prefer to stand and move while they work. It's ironic, then, that Hale’s company feels a bit stuck.
As FedEx and TNT Express work out the details of their planned €4.4 billion merger, echoes of a similar deal between UPS and TNT that was doomed in 2013 were instantly brought to mind. But this time around, both FedEx and TNT believe the antitrust concerns of two years ago will not play a major role in the European Union's judgment of the acquisition.
A coalition of grocers, seed growers and consumer and environmental advocates filed suit on Tuesday against the Department of Agriculture over a change it made to the process used to determine which substances may be used in organic farming.
Matt Hamson, chief executive officer with Coronado Logistics, details the transportation challenges and opportunities being experienced by shippers, carriers and third parties in Mexico.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, which regulates 10,000 products ranging from apparel to household appliances, inspects less than 1 percent of imports under its jurisdiction. With the odds stacked against being detected, cost-cutting foreign manufacturers continue to supply dangerous goods to U.S. retailers.
What began as a slow-simmering disagreement over the use of government subsidies - one that has lasted for years - has recently mushroomed into a thunderhead of angry rhetoric, threats of lawsuits and proposed legislative action to roll back open skies agreements. The major U.S.-based carriers continue to accuse Middle Eastern airlines of exploiting the American market with an unfair advantage.
The Federal Aviation Administration is so slow to approve drone permits that the aircraft become obsolete while waiting, an Amazon executive told a Senate panel last week.
Corporate America usually hasn't viewed hot-button social issues as any of its business. Then came Indiana. The controversy over the state's religious rights measure signed into law recently has been striking for the parade of well-known businesses that not only joined in the opposition to the law but took the lead in voicing their disapproval.
The results of the seventh edition of Prime Advantage's Group CFO Survey of mid-sized manufacturers show continued optimism in the economy and positive growth expectations in several industries.