John Brockwell, practice leader in trade management consulting with J.P. Morgan, talks about how companies are shifting from a mindset based purely on cost, to one that the accounts for the variability of global supply chains.
Senior adviser Kevin Dooley traces the history of the initiative, and details its ongoing efforts in devising a standardized method of sustainability reporting for consumer product manufacturers.
Galen Killam, director of business development with EcoLogic LLC, discusses the development of an additive that makes plastic biodegradable in landfills, providing an alternative to consumer products companies when recycling isn't feasible.
Paul Tasner, vice president of supply chain and sustainability with the Reclipse Group Inc., challenges some of the assumptions that have grown up around the concept of "green" business operations.
Cost is still a major concern, but companies are beginning to look at other factors as well, in deciding where to buy raw materials and manufacture their products.