With President Xi Jinping of China beside him at a news conference in the White House Rose Garden last month, President Obama said the two had come to an agreement that China and the United States would refrain from cyberattacks aimed at pilfering company intellectual property or trade secrets for commercial advantage.
Calls for stricter regulation of medical devices within the EU, prompted the European Commission to propose new regulations in 2012 for medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDs) to replace the existing directives.
The Federal Aviation Administration, behind schedule in finalizing regulations for commercial use of unmanned aerial systems, will be ready by June 17, 2016, according to recent congressional testimony by the agency's deputy administrator.
Automotive manufacturers have all the tools they need to detect safety issues in the early stages of vehicle production. The problem is, they're not making use of them.
Tom Sanderson, chief executive officer of Transplace, joins us in a discussion of the trends that are affecting the transportation landscape in 2015 -- and how they differ from what the industry experienced in the previous year.
Consumer demand for more fresh, ready-to-eat products is driving development of new replenishment models based on smaller, more-frequent deliveries, versatile truck drivers and the latest temperature-controlled trailer technology.
Despite increased global efforts to curtail it, corruption remains a significant obstacle to international businesses, according to a survey of 824 companies worldwide.