U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers and Consumer Product Safety Commission investigators have seized more than 200,000 toy dolls arriving from China due to high levels of phthalates, a group of banned chemical compounds.
The United Nations Security Council reiterated its calls on the international community to fight piracy and armed robbery at sea, which continue to pose a threat to the delivery of humanitarian aid to Somalia.
The first real estate investment trust to focus on logistics is set to float on the London market and raise £200m to invest in a new breed of e-commerce warehouses.
Consider supply chain management a large puzzle comprised of many pieces. One major piece that many organizations find essential to form a complete picture is strategic sourcing, which involves the ongoing evaluation of purchasing activities and a commitment to look at all qualified solutions for both direct spend (costs associated with raw materials and parts for goods) and indirect spend (costs necessary for supporting production).
The National Council of Chain Restaurants issued the following statement from NCCR Executive Director Rob Green on the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volume mandate for 2014:
The Environmental Protection Agency's proposed adjustment to the Renewable Fuel Standard volume mandate is an implicit recognition that the ethanol mandate is out of sync and out of touch with current market realities. With this proposal, the EPA is essentially saying, 'if you like your 15-billion-gallon corn ethanol mandate, you can keep it.'
It's not enough to track goods domestically; supply chain managers must monitor shipments around the globe and account for the added complexity of moving goods across international borders.
Small and medium-sized enterprises are key drivers of growth in Asia, but they are hindered by inadequate access to finance, particularly from large banks. However, the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) has developed a framework for helping banks to tap into this vast market.
Suppliers to the office furniture industry better start paying close attention to the materials going into the pieces they're making.
That's because the sustainability programs being implemented by the office furniture OEMs in West Michigan and beyond are increasingly demanding the suppliers provide more detailed information about the chemicals that go into their products.