A series of successful logistics partnerships belies Latin America's reputation for poor communications, outdated infrastructure and unreliable service.
Netherlands-based Philips Medical Systems revamped its spare-parts logistics network to better serve owners of its diagnostic imaging machines. These changes were in line with a larger trend in Europe, where roadblocks to centralized distribution of medical equipment slowly are coming down - giving U.S. companies new opportunities for carving out market share.
Europe's widely differing regulations of the consumer health product industry pose significant obstacles to centralized distribution. For companies trying to build efficiencies into their supply chains, such as health care giant Novartis, it's a real Maalox moment.
Consolidation of North American distribution points, a major shift from company-owned and -operated facilities to public warehousing, and economies from a little-known program with U.S. Customs helped slash inventory and associated costs for the Audiovox Corp., a consumer electronics company in Hauppauge, N.Y.
The Shannon Free Zone's irresistible tax benefits and other advantages helped it win the business of Gymboree and of many other companies looking for a European launch pad.
When Daimler-Benz decided to tap into the growing demand for sport-utility vehicles with an all-new design, it relied on innovative manufacturing and supply-chain efficiency to bring the product to market at a reasonable cost.
When once-ailing American icon Harley-Davidson decided it had to build a new plant to meet increasing demand, many locales wanted the nod. In the final round, Kansas City's air links to Harley headquarters and its "common culture" theme carried the day.