East Asian economies have recorded marked improvements in their ability to enable trade, while traditional frontrunners Singapore and Hong Kong retain a clear lead at the top of the global rankings, according to the Global Enabling Trade Report 2012, released by the World Economic Forum.
More than 80 per cent of small- to mid-sized businesses are concerned about customs delays impacting their ability to properly manage their business - yet nearly a third say they tend to ignore the myriad of changes to government regulations and hope for the best when transporting their goods across international borders.
For owners and managers of commercial truck fleets, real-time information on vehicle and driver performance not only helps manage operations and reduce costs, but also ensures compliance with new safety regulations, says Bobby Miller, vice president of product strategy and industry relations at Ortec.
U.S. factories produce about 75 percent of what the country consumes, but the right decisions by both business and political leaders could push that to 95 percent, say University of Michigan researchers.
The term "logistics" can sometimes take on a negative connotation. When people want to imply complexity and hassle, they often say, "There are a lot of logistics to work out." However, for the logistics industry itself, better business processes can transform the experience of managing goods and services as they move from supplier to recipient domestically and internationally. Technology and the advent of the cloud facilitate easier, less costly operations for logistics companies.
Two months after the U.S. Transportation Security Administration and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealed that they're moving forward with their joint Air Cargo Advance Screening pilot program, the TSA announced that it set a December 3 deadline for screening all cargo on U.S.-bound passenger flights.
A first reaction to the announcement on May 13th that China, Japan and South Korea are to open talks on establishing a trilateral free-trade area is to shrug. The idea has been around for a decade. There are many obstacles to its realisation. And not so much as a date has been announced for the talks to begin.
Traceability always has been important to dairy cooperative Agri-Mark, but it has become even more of a focus since passage in 2010 of The Food Safety Modernization Act, which gives the Food and Drug Administration the right to make product recalls mandatory, rather than voluntary.