Sales and operations planning is growing in importance to manufacturers and so is the necessity to manage risk, says Simon Ellis, practice director, supply chain strategies, at IDC Manufacturing Insights. In his analysis, Ellis assesses the future of outsourcing and the health of the supply chain.
Steve Rubinson, director of global trade compliance at JohnsonDiversey Inc., which markets environmentally friendly cleaning products, discusses how to manage the risk of delays related to adhering to trade regulations, and how cultural differences impact global businesses.
Transportation brokers play an important role in the supply chain, but they often do not receive the respect they deserve, says Robert Voltmann, president and CEO of the Transportation Intermediaries Association.
At a time of increased regulation and complexity in global supply chains, companies can't do without a sophisticated global trade management application.
While discussing the specifics of the supply chain in the aerospace industry, Jun Tsuruta, director of supply chain at Lockheed Martin, Kelly Aviation Center, notes that managing risk and separating "suppliers" from "vendors" is crucial in any vertical.