Challenge: This customer had decentralized its transportation sourcing, with each facility operating independently. Three of its largest business units relied on the highly fragmented flatbed marketplace to service customers. It was extremely difficult to maintain reliable capacity and predictable transportation costs, let alone identify logistics efficiencies and implement best practices.
Challenge: An industry-leading provider of physical infrastructure solutions expanded operations to Canada. Integral to the company's success, is its developed network of "partners," that work together to align critical systems - power, communication, computing, security, and control - within a unified solution. The challenge was to replicate infrastructure for Canadian customers by ensuring a high fill rate efficiency and distribution capacity throughout Canada.
Challenge: A client was facing increasing labor costs, inventory inaccuracies, shipping errors and increased leads times. The client turned to Systems Logic to implement our warehouse management software to enhance and improve their existing business processes and assist them in meeting their challenging company goals.
Challenge: The strategy for a leading manufacturer of diesel and specialized trucks was to grow truck assembly operations in Mexico. To do so, it needed to integrate an already existing U.S. cross-dock network with cross-border activities and optimize shipments between the countries, while ensuring reliability and visibility throughout the supply chain.
Today's new economic environment is increasingly more
volatile, complex and structurally different than in years past,
and in few places is this more apparent than in the movement
of goods and services.
Moving at the blinding speed of bureaucracy, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has finally adopted a rule that requires manufacturers to report on their use of conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, wrote George Santayana, and if you've observed technology long, you know that the cycles of repetition become shorter with each passing year. When it comes to CRM, we're seeing it again in the form of social CRM: companies are making the same mistakes they made at the start of the CRM era.
Challenge: Our client made a bold promise to its customers. Order any of its 600,000 products from its vast super store of industrial supplies by 8:00 pm EST, and get next day delivery. But with more than 2 million square feet of warehouse space and the highest SKU count in the industry, keeping that promise was a challenge.
The latest supply-chain news, analysis, trends and tools for executives in the automotive industry — which consists of companies that produce automobiles, utility vehicles, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles and heavy trucks. Learn how automotive companies and their suppliers around the world are managing the flow of products across all channels of the enterprise. Experts sound off on forecasting and demand planning, supply-chain visibility, logistics outsourcing, inventory optimization, transportation management, warehouse management, supply-chain security, corporate social responsibility and more.
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