Last June, Kansas City struck up a nearly $16bn partnership with Cisco Systems and Sprint to help make that city a lot smarter. How so? By tapping into digital technologies to improve such vital city services as energy, water and transportation.
The next thing you try on at the mall might be a virtual reality headset. No longer relegated to video gamers, VR is coming to amusement parks, movie theaters and classrooms. But the technology presents a major opportunity for retailers as they try to lure fickle shoppers into their stores, particularly as consumers shift more of their buying habits online.
During the long downturn in R&D productivity, a handful of biopharmaceutical companies have consistently bucked the trend. How did they manage it? After all, they have experienced the same industry pressures as their peers - pressures such as lengthier R&D cycle times, higher costs of failure, and sharper regulatory scrutiny.
Challenge: An Asia-based manufacturer of sports shoes struggled with manual handling of buyers' PO requests, invoicing, and packing lists. Vast amounts of data were stored on cumbersome Excel spreadsheets. It resulted in a heavy workload, inefficiency, and frequent errors.
A conversation with retail industry experts on how the coming of the omnichannel is radically altering customers' expectations of service - and how retailers are being forced to respond.
An annual study of consumer attitudes toward online retailing technology zeroes in on the growing acceptance of delivery drones, mobile payments and virtual reality.
Shotfarm, vendor of a cloud-based application for managing and exchanging product information, has released a pair of enhancements to its user apps, the Dashboard and Plugin Store.
As much as IoT is the buzzword of consumer electronics, it will quickly become a critical part of the electronics supply chain as companies use sensors to maximize efficiency of various business tasks and integrate that information into a strategic advantage.
Across industries, companies have been intensifying their focus on cybersecurity. This is a direct consequence of the expanding role that digitization is playing in their business and operating models and the demonstrated potential for significant damage resulting from a successful cyberattack.
The latest supply-chain news, analysis, trends and tools for executives in the consumer packaged goods industry. Learn how consumer packaged goods companies and their suppliers around the world are managing the flow of products across all channels of the enterprise. Experts sound off on forecasting and demand planning, supply-chain visibility, logistics outsourcing, inventory optimization, transportation management, warehouse management, supply-chain security, corporate social responsibility and more.
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