A supplier review process at Chick-Fil-A has grown from a simple, manual exercise to a robust collaborative initiative involving numerous internal departments and high-level sit-down meetings with suppliers. Mike Walpole, senior manager of distribution and logistics, explains how the process has evolved and where it is going.
As warehouse workers get older and heavier it becomes harder for them to meet the physical demands of their job. Dr. Volker Schmitz, president of Schmalz Inc., a material-handling equipment manufacturer, explains how low-cost lift-assist equipment can alleviate this problem, while improving productivity.
At the heart of good content marketing is good content. At the heart of good content is good writing. At the heart of good writing is compelling, irresistibly persuasive tone. So why does so much B2B copy sound the same?
MBM Corp. is a customized food products distributor to 28 restaurant chains in the U.S. and abroad. Because truck drivers are a critical part of MBM's operations and its primary customer contact, driver recruitment and retention are crucial strategies, says Mark Luttrell, vice president.
When discarded computers and printers arrive at its facility, Sinctronics uses RFID readers to identify their component materials so they can be more quickly recycled and incorporated into new IT products.
The latest supply-chain news, analysis, trends and tools for executives in the food and beverage industries. Learn how food and beverage companies and their suppliers around the world are managing the flow of products across all channels of the enterprise. Experts sound off on forecasting and demand planning, supply-chain visibility, logistics outsourcing, inventory optimization, transportation management, warehouse management, supply-chain security, corporate social responsibility and more.
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