Plans that detail a business's initial emergency response provide a road map for keeping operations running through a crisis and ready a business for the return to full operational effectiveness in the weeks that follow a disruption. These forward-thinking solutions are critical components to effective business continuity programs, according to a new PwC US paper entitled, "Beyond the first 48 hours: Can your business continuity plan go the distance?"
Despite attempts by carriers to pull capacity from east-west trade routes, significantly weaker cargo volumes have limited the success of their attempts to lift freight rates for any sustainable periods, according to Drewry Maritime Research's latest Container Forecaster report.
Human capital management software is traditionally understood as addressing human resource plus talent management business requirements. While HR software is now quite affordable and adopted by many businesses, a comprehensive HCM suite that includes talent management modules is not equally accessible.
Aldata has made available G.O.L.D. Drive, a new tool which supports order fulfillment for shoppers ordering groceries online and collecting them directly from drive-through depots without entering a store.
America has done a good job of solving internal manufacturing problems, improving quality and reducing waste and costs. These internal programs have kept American manufacturing in the game. But there is a problem. Manufacturing isn't growing in terms of factories, percentage of GDP, employees, or sales revenue.
Ordoro has teamed up with Bigcommerce to provide online retailers with the ability to drop-ship orders to customers. Ordoro is an electronic-commerce application which helps merchants to streamline their back-office operations.
Several Miami-based restaurants and bars are employing a radio frequency identification solution that identifies and weighs liquor bottles, and then transmits that information to a server where it can be linked to point-of-sale (POS) data. In this way, management can know how much of each type of liquor is being poured, how customers are then being charged at the register, and when any discrepancies might occur, such as an over- or under-pour, a missing bottle or unbilled pours.
Bereket Döner, one of Turkey's largest producers of frozen and ready-to-serve meat products, is employing radio frequency identification to track its goods as they are loaded onto pallets, weighed and shipped to customers.
No experience happens as often, grabs share of wallet, and stimulates the senses more than grocery shopping, finds PwC US in a new report titled Experience Radar 2013: Lessons from the U.S. Grocery Industry. The study, which is one in a series of customer-centric reports, measures the experiences of about 6,000 U.S. consumers across multiple industries.
'Tis the season for prognostications. Staring into the big data crystal ball one thing seems clear: We can expect to see the continuing growth of the internet; wireless networks; social media; and the number of mobile devices, sensors and other digital technology that is flooding us with new data every minute of every day.
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