Speed of production may be an issue in these early days of deployment, but the possibilities for what can be produced with a 3D printer appear to be limited only by the imagination. With chess pieces, cars, small houses and medical equipment being printed, additive technology has certainly earned its considerable attention.
We've had a few weeks to assess the impact on shippers of FedEx and UPS's adoption of dimensional weight pricing for all ground packages. What's the picture look like now?
Global dry cargo demand growth, forecast at 5 percent per annum from 2016 to 2019, should be offset by falling project cargo volumes over the next 12 to 18 months, according to the latest edition of the Multipurpose Shipping Market Review and Forecaster, published by Drewry Maritime Research.
Applying leverage in negotiations results in a zero-sum outcome where one side wins and the other side loses. This typically means that the winner ends up with somewhat more than 50 percent of their hoped-for result and the loser gets somewhat less than 50 percent since, just as in sports competitions where the potential results are win-lose, lose-win and tie, the use of leverage doesn't allow for combined outcomes above 100 percent. Zero-sum outcomes not only create a relational imbalance, they create hard feelings. People who lose in one negotiation often do their best to turn the tables the next time such that they win - and you lose.
SKUs, SKUs and more SKUs. Rob Dolci, chief information officer with System Group and country manager with Aizoon, talks about the challenge of dealing with retail SKU proliferation, and how companies can sort through the impending chaos.
Cosmetics company Sephora is rolling out a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon solution to provide content related to a shopper's proximity when that customer uses Sephora's app on an Apple iPhone. The beacon system is slated to be rolled out to all of the company's stores following a pilot of the solution that began in the fall at two San Francisco-area sites. The retailer has not indicated the timeline for the installation rollout. The beacons and content-management software are being provided by Gimbal.
JDA Software Group Inc. has added capabilities to JDA Enterprise Supply Planning, an application that brings together the vendor's Master Planning and Supply Chain Planner modules.
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