Amit Devpura, head of analytics, global supply chain and strategy with AstraZeneca, talks about how the pharmaceutical and biologics giant is using sophisticated analytics to get a better sense of demand, production and cost to serve.
For the month of August, 37,200 orders for vehicles in classes 5-8 were booked, down 8 percent from July and down 14 percent compared to August 2014. However, these numbers are preliminary. Actual numbers will be published in mid-September.
The dry bulk shipping market will remain in recession due to contracting demand for iron ore and coal, and any recovery is not expected until 2017, according to the Dry Bulk Forecaster report published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Pharmaceutical companies are running hard to keep pace with changes brought about by digital technology. Mobile communications, the cloud, advanced analytics, and the Internet of Things are among the innovations that are starting to transform the healthcare industry in the ways they have already transformed the media, retail and banking industries. Pharma executives are well aware of the disruptive potential and are experimenting with a wide range of digital initiatives.
The City of New Orleans and private businesses that struggled to survive the devastation of Hurricane Katrina learned some valuable lessons. One of the primary caveats when it comes to business continuity is to mitigate risk by embracing the cloud.
Challenge: A pharmaceutical customer's growing order volumes and regulatory compliance needs prompted Kenco to reevaluate the customer's technology solution.
Used Class 8 truck metrics were generally in line from June to July, with average age and miles up an incremental 1 percent each. Compared to last year, average prices were up 2 percent in July and 6 percent year to date, according to the latest release of the State of the Industry: U.S. Classes 3-8 Used Trucks, published by ACT Research.
Manufacturing is expected to yield approximately 700,000 new jobs in 2015, according to a report from APICS Supply Chain Council, which urges the industry to recruit women for those positions.
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