By 2025, Industrial Manufacturers must be able to capture customer requirements effectively and drive mass customization to give every customer what they want. The ability to manage the specifics of each order in every aspect of the value chain consistently lies in the intelligent enterprise.
Tech manufacturers have led a shift in the relationship between business and society. It has been a driver of progress while raising questions about some outcomes. High tech businesses can plan for the future by deploying intelligent ERP that builds trust and accelerates business and societal growth.
The supply chain continues to substantially transform as businesses become increasingly digitized, global, and networked. Organizations are leveraging a range of systems and partnerships to effectively fulfill orders under tighter timelines and the pressures of greater customer and consumer demands.
In recent years, the supply chain industry has undergone significant changes. With the advent of e-commerce, businesses are under increasing pressure to keep pace with growing customer demands, shorter product lifecycles, and global competition. Multi-enterprise business networks have been an effective first step to meeting these challenges and leveraging the vast potential of this new landscape.