Karen Jones, executive vice president and chief marketing officer with Ryder, discusses advanced vehicle technology, accelerating demand for e-commerce, asset-sharing for commercial vehicles, and digital technologies.
Craig Scott, chief executive officer and president of FUUZ, discusses where some SMBs go wrong in starting their technology journey with standalone applications.
Shari Christofferson, president of Connect, talks about the importance of having a connected network in warehousing and distribution, and the cost of failing to maintain one.
Seth Patin, chief executive officer and founder of LogistiVIEW, describes the role that technology is playing in improving the way that warehouses respond to customer demand.
As Caraway Home broadens the channels through which it sells, it confronts new challenges in ensuring visibility and efficient order fulfillment, says Mark Riskowitz, vice president of operations.
Following a period of seesawing freight rates and persistent service failures, ocean carriers and shippers are struggling to achieve some measure of equilibrium.