The Port of Rotterdam's Additive Manufacturing Fieldlab (RAMLAB) and Autodesk have created a 3D-printed propeller using a hybrid manufacturing process combining wire and arc additive manufacturing using six-axis industrial robotic arms.
Import volumes at major container ports in the U.S. are projected to rise 4.7 percent in the first half of 2017 compared with the same period a year ago, and many ports are reporting growth.
North P&I Club is subsidizing the cost of an online seafarer evaluation program, part of a loss prevention effort that targets "officer quality and culture."
Maritime Strategies International (MSI) has forecast a positive short term outlook for dry bulk freight rates, but has cautioned on second half prospects. MSI notes a persistent and positive shift in dry bulk market sentiment in recent weeks, with most Baltic indices at their highest point of the year.
An unusually large number of icebergs have drifted into the shipping lanes of the North Atlantic in recent weeks, forcing vessels to detour well to the south to avoid danger. Icebergs have even been spotted outside of the Coast Guard's ice navigation warning area, prompting at least one notice to mariners urging additional caution.
Now that the U.K. has formally handed in its request to leave the EU, the Port of Dover is concerned that the imposition of customs checks could have a disastrous effect on its business.
Offshore wind power is on the cusp of exponential growth, with installed capacity set to nearly triple between 2015 to 2020, according to an energy agency report.