New England's largest grocery chain needed better visibility into the events that hampered its productivity. A dashboard application has allowed it to be a proactive manager.
The world's largest exporter no longer wants to rely on making and selling low-cost products. China is moving upmarket to become a world-class manufacturer and to stimulate more inland development and domestic consumption.
Growing fleets of bigger ships serving more global points is just part of today's challenge for leading ocean carriers. More attention must be given to inland infrastructure and cooperation of all stakeholders in the intermodal industry.
Global supply chains can only be successful if manufacturers and retailers have a network of reliable partners that provide expertise and industry knowledge, as well as good service.
The list recognizes those companies that have done the most to bring IT together with what AMR Research calls the demand-driven supply network. This year's ranking sees past leaders toppled and the entry of some new companies.
Companies are quick to capture savings by sourcing from low-cost countries, but they can come to regret the move if they fail to understand the risks of working with unknown and difficult-to-manage suppliers.
AMR Research again selects the best-run supply chains in the world. Amid ever fiercer competition, these 25 companies have stayed on top by embracing the concept of demand-driven supply networks. That has produced financial results that make them world-class on any list.
Companies need to look beyond best practices to find competitive advantage in their supply chains. A project at MIT called Supply Chain 2020 is searching for the hidden principles that will guide supply chains now and into an uncertain future.
The opportunities and challenges for serving China's domestic market are enormous. The secrets to success are a reliable supply chain with trusted partners and reliable 3PLs that can navigate China's immature infrastructure and complex regulatory environment.