Despite the current weakness in LNG shipping rates, Drewry maintains its bullish long-term outlook for LNG shipping and believes that the market will require more vessels than listed on the current orderbook, according to the latest edition of the LNG Forecaster report published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Container freight rates are forecast to rise modestly over the next 18 months from the all-time lows reached recently, but this will not be sufficient to rescue the industry from substantial losses in 2016, according to the latest Container Forecaster report published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Ocean carriers achieved a six-month high for liner service reliability in May, according to Carrier Performance Insight, the online schedule reliability tool provided by Drewry Supply Chain Advisors.
Slowing growth in the size of the shipping fleet will reduce the shortage of officers over the coming years, according to the latest Manning report published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Ocean freight rates for cargo moving under contracts on the major East-West trade routes fell by another 18 percent between February and May, according to Drewry's Benchmarking Club, a closed user group of multinational retailers and manufacturers who closely monitor their contract freight rates.
LPG shipping freight rates are forecast to deteriorate further through 2016 as a result of the fast-rising fleet of Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGCs), which has already started to impact earnings of smaller vessel classes, according to the latest edition of the LPG Forecaster, published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Chemical tanker shipping freight rates are expected to remain firm over the medium term, thanks to rising production capacity in key exporting countries, according to the latest edition of the Chemical Forecaster, published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Prices for new dry freight containers declined to their lowest point since 2002 during first-quarter 2016 and are still going down, according to the latest edition of the Container Equipment Insight, published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Newbuilding orders of tanker ships have seen a sharp reduction, but the slowing trend needs to be sustained for the longer-term health of the market, according to the latest edition of the Tanker Forecaster, published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Drewry forecasts dry bulk freight rates in 2016 will be, on average, lower than in 2015, as the medium-to-long term fundamentals for dry bulk shipping will remain challenging, according to the latest edition of the Dry Bulk Forecaster report published by global shipping consultancy Drewry.