If you need basic training in Pay Per Click Management, then the following 5 Features could be a good place for you to begin. Since its creation, Pay Per Click Advertising via Google AdWords has come a long way and the various options available to all online marketers is now a lot more sophisticated.
After taking into consideration our constantly evolving society and the ways in which internet users both search for information and contact various businesses for services and products, the following list of Pay Per Click Features are the best of the bunch.
The huge rise of the Smartphone and the Mobile Internet Network has notably affected the nature of Pay Per Click Advertising. The various Google AdWords Features developed over the past year have also taken what a Pay Per Click Manager can do with a campaign to soaring heights.
The best of the best in Pay Per Click Management Ideas have been selected and listed below for your convenience. If you begin using the following features, you can be sure that you will remain at the forefront of Pay Per Click Development and Progress and that your online advertising campaigns will generate more customers and create a stronger brand identity.
Google AdWords Display Network
The Google AdWords Display Network is the form of Pay Per Click which is the most underrated of them all. Many people don't even consider the Display Network and focus all energies and attention on the more obvious Paid Search Network from the start.
The Display Network has always received a lot of bad press and unnecessarily so. It is a very successful form of Pay Per Click and an ingenious way in which to market your business online. Instead of relying on the pro-active internet searcher to come looking for you through keywords on the Google SERP, the advertiser can go looking for their potential clients on the Display Network.
When someone is researching into a subject matter that interests them, particularly products and services, and they see an advertisement that could be the answer to their needs, they are liable to click on that advertisement. This is the genius behind Pay Per Click on the Google Display Network.
An aggrieved wife is looking into custody rights online and then sees an advertisement for your Family Law Firm. She clicks and she becomes your client because you were offering her what she needed when she didn't even realize she was looking for you. Pay Per Click via the Display Network is not as active, nor as aggressive in many ways, but it is much more effective that the Paid Search Network in others.
Click-to-Call Advertisements
When interested in paying for many of the services and products offered online today, our internet-loving user still wants to "speak" to a real person before they buy. This is the beauty of Click-to-Call Advertisements. Pay Per Click doesn't get much better than Click-to-Call Advertisements, particularly when we take into consideration the immediate developments being made in the world of the Mobile Internet.
People are on their phones and searching the Internet all day. When they find an advertisement that interests them it is highly useful to be able to click on a link and call that company directly. This can be done during all of the dead time that exists during the day when we are on the train or the bus, to and from work, when we're bored and looking for something to do. Pay Per Click is made more attractive to buyers who still seek the personal touch when on the move in their busy, impersonal lives through Click-to-Call.
Product Advertisements Previews (Images and Videos, Mobile and Laptop Network)
The relatively new Product Previews for all Pay Per Click advertisements on the mobile and standard PC/laptop networks are just excellent.
It is much more enticing when an internet user can see your product in a preview image or in a video preview, whether they are on their mobile or searching the Internet at home, than it is to just look at an ordinary text advertisement created through Pay Per Click.
Naturally, if you are advertising through Pay Per Click on the Display Network you can already use images and videos in your advertisements anyway. However, for all those advertisers who use the power of Paid Search, the product preview feature developed by Google really does help to make those products attractive to potential customers.
Other tools and features that help to push sales and conversions in Pay Per Click are developed constantly and it is one of the main reasons why Pay Per Click is such an excellent way of advertising your company and its products/services. However, as far as the direct sales of products online goes, you can't get much better than the use of Product Previews via Pay Per Click Google AdWords.
Google AdWords Remarketing
Imagine someone following you around all day, dressed in a sandwich board, advertising a particular product that you have already shown an interest in buying.
This is essentially what Google AdWords Remarketing is to Pay Per Click. It is a highly active form of online advertising and it is very successful too. If an internet user visits your site and looks at the products/services you have to offer, Pay Per Click now has the ability to record that internet user's computer data and quietly follow them around on the Internet after they have left your site. In this way, advertisers can remind interested, potential customers of the products/services they have already been looking contemplating.
It is an excellent form of Pay Per Click that really does work to secure conversions from potential customers who just need a little more convincing before they sign on the dotted line.
The best thing about Google Remarketing is that it doesn't overtly annoy or hassle the internet user. It is a highly optimized form of Pay Per Click without being intrusive or aggressive. No-one wants to be hassled by advertisers and Pay Per Click Remarketing promises not to do that, but it does help to get interested parties to eventually take those final steps towards conversion.
Google Intelligence paired with Google Analytics
Pay Per Click can only ever be successful with lots of monitoring, evaluating and more monitoring all over again. The paired efforts of Google Intelligence and Google Analytics are hard to match as they complement each other so well.
Google Analytics enables you to monitor, analyze and evaluate your Pay Per Click from many angles and in many ways. Google Intelligence sends important alerts and updates to your email inbox about Pay Per Click whenever necessary to give you piece of mind and let you switch off once in a while.
Pay Per Click can only be well optimized when using the tools that enable you to do so and out of all the tools of Pay Per Click available on the Internet today, Google Analytics and Google Intelligence are by far the most important and effective. This is true regardless of your experience. Novices and experts alike improve their Pay Per Click through the use of these reporting tools. Your use of these tools will grow and develop as your experience and know-how does the same.
If you think there are other Pay Per Click features that should be featured in this article, write in and let us know. Otherwise, get online and get advertising!
David Chapman is president of Webrageous Studios, a Pay Per Click Advertising Company based in Reno, Nevada.