Founded in 2009, Pivot88 originates from the challenges Stephane Boivin faced in regards to manufacturing quality and sourcing in remote locations, most specifically in Asia. Having previously launched a sourcing office in China for one of the Toyota Group companies, Stéphane was looking for a tool that would:
Give him visibility on his orders
Ensure supplier deliveries were on time
Ensure that the company’s quality standards would be met by the suppliers
When he discovered that there was nothing on the market that quickly and easily met this need, he began initial work and research that would lead to the development of the Pivot88 platform. Initially the tool was bundled with consulting services and delivered to environments with remote quality management challenges.
In 2012, Pivot88 was spun out of this bundled solution, and has developed into a full suite of cloud-based Supply Chain Quality Management tools. In 3 short years, Pivot88 has already achieved: