The success of contracted engagements including capital projects, plant turnarounds, supplemental labor and
maintenance agreements is heavily dependent on effective relationships and communications between the owner
and the contractor management teams. Large, complex contracts need significant planning and cooperative
owner/contractor efforts that involve well-developed plans to avoid contractual issues and project failures.
No matter how complex the project may be, only the best utilization of affordable tools for risk mitigation will
ensure mutual benefit. To acquire the skills for succeeding in this field, one must grasp the leadership approach
for negotiations from the early inception and clear risk allocation during the pre-contractual phase. As a contract
enters the execution phase, forecasted risks become real, making it imperative to be proactive in mitigating risk
in order to prevent claims damage and cost overrun.
Take advantage of this tailored event to hear success and failure stories from various EPC projects and benefit
from the lessons learned. Meet the leaders in the field and adopt up-to-date strategies on how to ensure that
contract procedures remain intact under execution.