Global Consumer and Retail Supply Chain Management Summit is a combination of dynamic thought leaders lead topic areas and masters class discussions. Interactive discussions will allow you to hear and learn best in class applications relating to optimizing your supply chain, drive down costs and reduce time-to-market.
We will explore cutting edge technologies and innovative tools with the potential to help supply chain managers improve business process efficiency, better predict and satisfy customer demands, reduce costs and increase profit.
The Summit is aimed at both suppliers and buyers who need an overview of the key drivers involved when viewing supply chains from a logistics/demand point of view:
- Appreciate changes to business processes that are taking place
- Understanding of the impact of enhanced logistics and supply chain performance on the overall profitability of the organization
- Ability to address the management of supply chain risks
- Determine how time builds up in supply chains and that time is cash
- Recognition of the value of working across functions
- Be able to understand, recall and apply improvements after the summit for work-based application
- An Action plan to enable improved logistics and supply chain performance
- Apply best in class practices
- Learn from other delegates' experiences and practices
We are pleased to invite you to take the opportunity and take benefit of it