At the virtual 2nd Supply Chain and Logistics for Cell Therapies Summit, your community will gather to network, share exclusive insights in case-study led sessions, and propose best practice for seamless vein-to-vein delivery at the clinical and commercial scale.
Implement robust, patient-centric supply chains for clinical to commercial readiness:
- Build your supply strategy and manage risk and forecasting at scale by designing for growth
- Maximize your cloud-based and integrated systems and hear the latest innovations in chain of identity
- Manage materials, external manufacturing and facility design
Optimize patient care with best practice guidelines and integrated platforms:
- Understand clinical requirements and develop clinical strategies for seamless therapeutic delivery:
- Discuss and establish industry best practices and understand which standard practices can apply across a range of cell modalities
Maintain product quality at scale for seamless delivery of autologous and allogeneic therapies:
- Optimize front-end processes and develop patient care organisations
- Discuss quality control and site audits to ensure best standard of care and product quality