There have been plenty of predictions about the "bring your own device" trend, but that's not stopping Gartner from making a few more. Gartner's latest research shows 38 percent of companies expect to stop providing devices to workers by 2016 and half of companies will mandate BYOD by 2017.
A new global survey of IT decision-makers by Dell Quest Software reports that 70 percent of companies believe bring-your-won-device (BYOD) will improve or already has improved their work processes and 59 percent believe they would find themselves at a competitive disadvantage without BYOD.
Anthony Perkins wants employees at BNY Mellon to bring their personal smartphones to work and use those instead of company-issued BlackBerries to access business email, applications and data. But not all employees are comfortable with having their personal phones locked down and controlled as tightly as the BlackBerries that Perkins would like to phase out. That's where the notion of containerization comes in.