The volatility of the U.S. – China Trade war has caused considerable uncertainty for companies with global manufacturing networks. Increasing tariffs, regulations and other barriers are forcing companies to adapt to prepare for commercial risks amid escalating trade tensions.
Tech manufacturers have led a shift in the relationship between business and society. It has been a driver of progress while raising questions about some outcomes. High tech businesses can plan for the future by deploying intelligent ERP that builds trust and accelerates business and societal growth.
U.S. manufacturers are lagging their European counterparts in the adoption of creative approaches to supply-chain finance. But three companies are demonstrating the varied ways in which that tool can be effectively deployed.
Transportation and the supply chain play a critical role in ensuring the safety of food as it moves from farm to the ultimate consumer, says Wilbur Deck, solutions engineer with Trimble.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to radically change just about everything for the better. But there are a number of obstacles to its successful adoption in the supply chain.