Home automation hardware, sold as stand-alone units rather than as part of a subscription package, will exceed 300 million in 2020, according to Juniper Research. This represents growth of over 1000 percent from an estimated installed base of 28 million units in 2015.
When discarded computers and printers arrive at its facility, Sinctronics uses RFID readers to identify their component materials so they can be more quickly recycled and incorporated into new IT products.
Product lifecycle management and line extensions are vital to companies operating in the high-tech industry, perhaps more so than any other industry. However, while many high-tech executives believe they are industry experts in regards to product innovation, confidence wanes in their ability to manage other parts of the product lifecycle, particularly when it comes to managing global product launches.
The aftermarket has long been just an afterthought to the sales and marketing processes, but today more and more OEMs have finally begun to realize its strategic importance as a competitive differentiator.