The global penetration of embedded and hybrid factory installed OEM telematics in new passenger cars will exceed 72 percent by 2021, according to ABI Research.
The ocean shipping industry has traditionally used EDI for shipment tendering, booking and milestone tracking. A new solution has emerged that leverages near real time vessel tracking data to improve shipment planning and tracking.
For years, companies have used digital supply chain technologies to improve service levels and reduce costs. But the inability to connect disparate systems, provide end-to-end visibility into the supply chain, and crunch massive amounts of data, among other issues, has prevented many companies from achieving the full potential of their supply chains.
Managers are increasingly nervous about the lack of progress in their digital initiatives. Too often, organizations merely add digital "pixie dust" to traditional processes or engage in a frenzy of digital experiments and ventures. Rather than drive competitive advantage, these efforts leave companies more vulnerable.
An influx of sensors relating to Internet of Things technology is generating a growing volume of data to feed the predictive supply chain, and informs not only operational decisions, but also helps analyze the behavioral patterns of workers.
The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has brought with it increased focus on "connected products." As manufacturers work to retrofit existing products with connectivity and build it into new products, they are faced with the question of how these connected products will transform the after-sales services they provide, and possibly even their business models.
In the business world, seldom do you find widespread agreement on any topic. However, everyone seems to know that the Internet of Things is important and getting more so - especially in the ways that organizations handle transportation and logistics.
IoT generates a tremendous amount of data - much more than people generate manually with their keyboards and cameras. And the volume of IoT data being generated will continue to increase at an exponential pace. How can companies extract the maximum value from that data? How should they think about it?
Accenture released a new version of its Air Cargo Suite software with advanced capabilities that can help carriers become more flexible, competitive and efficient through streamlined operations and data integration. The entire suite is now also available for delivery as a service, enabling carriers of all sizes to take advantage of a robust cargo management solution while retaining the agility and cost benefits of SaaS.
Global revenues from smart home automation systems will grow at a 21-percent CAGR between 2015 and 2020, according to ABI Research. North America will account for the lion's share of the smart home automation system revenues in 2020, contributing close to 46 percent globally, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific.