Analyst Insight: Key to driving performance and achieving your business strategy is choosing KPIs that clearly align with that strategy. This usually involves identifying three or four areas where the company needs to excel, and then defining a "balanced scorecard" of metrics that shows progress toward the business goals, as well as the trade-offs necessary to achieve those goals. - Rodger Howell, Principal, PwC's Strategy&; Derrick Austring, Director, PwC's Strategy&
Analyst Insight: We have spent over a decade understanding what drives operational performance in DCs through the DC Measures Study. We've written that a DC's operations should reflect the firm's strategic direction. If the strategy is not communicated or understood, firm performance will be mixed at best. Combining over 2,000 respondents spanning five years of data, we've identified a common theme: the lack of alignment between the operational level and corporate strategy.
-- Karl B. Manrodt, Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, & Donnie Williams, Assistant Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Georgia College & State University
Analyst Insight: Cost cutting by itself is not fun for most employees and does not inspire them. But getting lean and cost cutting in some areas to make the company "Fit for Growth" is motivational because the goal is to reallocate resources and invest in capabilities that will help the company win. Once supply chain professionals embrace that the purpose of the cost cutting is smarter investment to become more competitive, they will rally around the cause. - Rodger Howell, Principal, PwC's Strategy&; John Plansky, Principal, PwC's Strategy&
An efficient supply chain is one of the most crucial predictors of a company's success. The supply chain affects almost every marker for industry leadership, including costs, delivery performance and overall customer satisfaction. It's understandable then that the majority of supply chain executives consider visibility to be the most important aspect of any supply chain solution.
The traditional supply chain and the supply chain management function are being morphed into an integrated value chain. This optimization makes up for a more efficient flow of supplies and products; and more importantly, an emphasis in customer and business value.
A state-of-IT-risk survey being conducted by APQC seeks to examine supply chain organizations' experience with IT risks and the steps organizations are taking to identify, quantify and manage these challenges.
Analyst Insight: Tracking supply chain metrics can help organizations identify opportunities for quality and performance improvement. However, identification is half the battle; organizations must adopt practices that can lead to improvement. One of these practices is the development of close relationships with key suppliers and service providers. Through these relationships, organizations can realize improvements in both performance and quality. - Becky Partida, Research Specialist, APQC