Analyst Insight: For online customers, the buy button is easy; everything behind that is complex. Eighty percent of omnichannel strategy is about inventory strategy. It comes down to making intelligent inventory allocation decisions across the network and building an infrastructure flexible enough to quickly realign inventory to meet customers where they want. The key to omnichannel success is offering the customer multiple options and incentivizing the profitable flows. - Jason Denmon, Apparel Industry Leader, Fortna Inc.
Analyst Insight: Online retailers must make the returns process convenient for their customers which, in turn, increases the amount of product returned. But every company must find a balance between cost and customer expectations. Should you encourage customers to return products to the store? To the DC? To a 3PL? The answer depends on your brand, culture, infrastructure and average unit price. – Bruce Baring and Jason Denmon, Apparel Industry Leaders, Fortna Inc.