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SpringCM has made available version 4.1 of SpringCM, the company's document-management and workflow software. The new version of the application, available on an on-demand basis, offers multiple updates in search, advanced view and markup, preview mode and electronic signatures. The last feature enables documents to be signed electronically, even by individuals who are not SpringCM licensees. Documents can be sent for electronic signature with a single click in SpringCM. Through advanced view and markup, users can annotate proprietary document formats without the need for hand-editing printed copies or writing lengthy emails detailing revision steps. SpringCM 4.1 now supports CAD, MS Project, Microstation and 85 other proprietary drawing, document and imaging formats. SpringCM's document-preview features have been upgraded to meet collaboration and indexing needs. Lock Zoom enables the user to focus on a fixed area of a document as pages are scrolled. To allow for more horizontal workspace, the left and right panes are now collapsible. In addition, new collapsible and expandable menu options display only the advanced search options that are relevant to specific business needs. SpringCM retains the advanced search display options after every modification.
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